We believe that the most important thing we can do with our lives is, to sit at the feet of Jesus.
(Lukas 10, 42)
His presence is the most precious thing we have.
Every first Monday of the month we want to create a place where Jesus is loved, where we pour out our hearts and our worship at his feet; where we want to sit to listen to him and ask him to pour out his glory on us and give revival.
Our only dream is to experience his physically present and all-changing presence. For this we come together in unity from many different churches - everyone is welcome!
Paul Gerhardt Church, Great Hall
Mathunistraße 23-27, 80686 Munich
“And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.“
Mark 16:15
We want to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible and lead them into a living relationship with Him, regardless of whether they are in Germany, Europe or anywhere else.
Jesus asks us to go into all the world and bring the good news of a loving God to every person. That is exactly what we do, we proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever Jesus opens the doors to us.
Many of the Muslim refugees coming to Europe are severely traumatised and hopeless.
The answer to this is and remains Jesus and His work on the cross.
We organise Jesusfilm evenings and similar evangelistic events to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and start follow up discipleship groups to lead the new Christians into an intimate relationship with Jesus and trust that HE reveals Himself to people in His love, glory and power through the Holy Spirit.
Paypal-Link for Evangelism/Jesus for Muslims:
Paypal-Link for Revivalnights/Jesus for Munich:
For Tax Benefits - U.S. - based Financial Patrons
(Only Evangelism and Jesus for Muslims)
For U.S.-based financial patrons, this webpage will lead you through the process of donation.
Bank details - Revivalnights/Jesus for Munich:
Bethanien Ministries e.V.
IBAN: DE29 7016 9410 0003 2245 20
Bank details - Evangelisation/Jesus for Muslims:
Bethanien Ministries e.V.
IBAN: DE29 7016 9410 0103 2245 20
If you need a donation receipt, please indicate this when you do your bank transfer. If you want to give for a specific purpose or would like to support one of our missionaries specifically then please also indicate this with your payment.
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